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Unlock Hidden Profits
Through Our Digital
Suite of Products

Increase Margins and Improve Project Efficiency With Faster Well Time Construction and Real-Time Insights
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Diagnose the Root Cause of the Problem

Spend resources where they can have the most impact on your team and organization. Reduce manual tasks and empower digital solutions that can save time and money.
  • Evaluate well site prior to drilling for maximum profit
  • Speed up well construction time
  • Gain real-time insights to prevent problems from developing and mitigate risks
  • Save time on manual diagnosis
  • Reduce project downtime
  • Consolidate project details for all departments into one dashboard
  • Generate customized reports at the click of a button
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Our Suite of Solutions Allows your Operations to:

Improve Drilling Planning & Accuracy

Well planning and optimization tools allow you to speed up well construction time and optimize your project from start to finish.

Data From Across Operations

Break down data silos between various departments and software and consolidate all data within a single dashboard.

PinPoint Equipment Problems & Prevent Failures

Quickly diagnose root-cause problems without manual inspection or timely trial and error.

Reporting & View Data In Real Time

Reduce manual efforts and eliminate human error by automating reporting with customizable reporting tools.

What Our Clients Say

  • On behalf of lmetame Energia, we are writing to express our highest recommendation for Adaga Solutions, an organization that excels in KPI consulting for the well drilling industry.

    Adaga Solutions has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation, providing solutions tailored to the specific needs of our oil industry. The company's dedicated team members are highly skilled experts in well drilling and data analysis. Their proactive approach during drilling operations enables them to identify and address potential challenges, thereby improving efficiency and enhancing safety in well drilling projects.

    What sets Adaga Solutions apart is its agility in adapting to the rapidly evolving landscape of our industry, ensuring that the companies that utilize its services remain at the forefront of innovation. Furthermore, Adaga Solutions prides itself on delivering excellent customer service. The team is always readily available to address inquiries, provide technical assistance, and collaborate effectively to ensure client satisfaction. We wholeheartedly endorse Adaga Solutions and have found their services to be invaluable in our operations.

    - lmetame Energia
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Our Suite of Solutions

Fully Integrated digital solutions for the Oil & Gas Industry that improve planning, monitoring, optimizing, and reporting.
Digital Solutions to Pin Point Wellsite Problems, Consolidate Data, and Automate Reporting To Increase Efficiency and Profits By Reducing Operational Downtime and Manual Tasks.


Optimize real-time well construction operations by combining KPI analytics and engineering tools.


Universal streaming of engineers’ workspace. Collect, sort, store, and visualize drilling data in real time.​


Keep the entire well construction team on the same page with daily well data recordings without duplication, or distortion.


Drilling scheduling software that automatically creates and updates the drilling program using the reporting at the well construction sites.​


Efficient, user-friendly software for optimal geosteering with advanced engineering tools.​

We’ve Helped Streamline Projects Around the World

Wells Using ePerform
1 M
Meters of Well Drilled
Wells Geosteered a Year
Improvement in Well Construction Time

Start Streamlining Operations Today

1. Book A Demo

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2. Start a Trial

3. See the Results

Our Adaga Promise

Seamless Integration

We manage the end-to-end software installation and integration process in your existing infrastructure, including working with any third parties.

24/7 Technical Support

Client support is one of our top priorities. Our 24/7 technical support ensures rapid response to all client inquiries.

All-In-One Solution

Each of our solutions is available as SaaS integrating seamlessly into your current system and effectively replacing several outdated processes.


Suite 2500, 500 4th Avenue South West Altius Centre
Calgary, AB, Canada
T2P 2V6
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